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Funding Sources: 
Society of Hellman Fellows

Asian American Research Center at UC Berkeley

The Influence of Anti-Asian Discrimination and Violence on Asian-American Educators 

Project Summary: In response to the current coronavirus pandemic and anti-Asian discrimination and violence, we conduct a mixed-method longitudinal study over the course of one year among 480 Asian American Teachers in the San Francisco Unified School District. Findings from this project will advance our scientific understanding about the longitudinal impacts of the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent anti-Asian discrimination and violence on Asian American teachers’ short-term and long-term well-being and teacher workforce. The ultimate goal of this project is to develop a comprehensive framework of best practices detailing how schools can effectively support the psychological and professional well-being of educators, particularly those who are experiencing discrimination and violence based on their group membership during and following the pandemic and subsequent social crises.



Yang, C., Lim, J.H.*, Lin, X.*, Rho, E.* & Dong, Q.* (in revision). Teachers’ social and emotional competencies in transformative social and emotional learning (TSEL): An initial validation of Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) teachers’ perceptions. School Psychology Review.



Dong, Q.*, Yang, C., Rho, E.*, Lee, M.X.*, & Im, J.H.* (Apr. 2023). An egocentric network analysis of AAPI educators’ social support during anti-Asian violence. American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2023 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. ​ 


Dong, Q.*, Stomski, M.*, & Yang, C. (Feb. 2023). Fostering AAPI educators' resilience during anti-Asian violence. [Paper Presentation]. 2023 National Association School Psychologists Annual Convention, Denver, CO.


Rho, E.*, Dong, Q.*, Yang, C. & Im, J.* (Feb. 2023). Egocentric network analysis: AAPI educators’ social support during anti-Asian violence. In Chieh (Chair). Supporting AAPI Community Coping with Anti-Asian Discrimination: Culturally Sensitive Approaches. [Symposium]. 2023 National Association School Psychologists Annual Convention, Denver, CO.


Dong, Q.*, Stomski, M.* & Yang, C. (2022, September). Risk and resilience during anti-Asian violence: Voices from AAPI educators. 2022 AAPA. Chicago, IL.


Lee, M. X.*, Dong, Q.*, & Yang, C. (Scheduled Nov. 2022). Dismantling the model minority myth. 2022 University Council for Educational Administration. Seatle, WA.


(*Dr. Yang's Mentees & Advisees)

Risk, Resilience, and Culture Lab

University of Maryland, College Park

University of California, Berkeley

Copyright © Risk, Resilience, and Culture Lab

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