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(* Graduate Student Advisees and Mentees)


​ Lin, X.*, Xue, M., Luo, H, & Yang, C. (2024, August 8-10). School-level association between SEL competencies and bullying involvement: A four-year longitudinal study [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Seattle, WA, United States. PDF

Rho, E.*, & Yang, C. (2024, August 8-10). Characteristics and impact of student aggression and violence against K-12 teachers [Poster presentation]. 2024 American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Seattle, WA, United States. PDF

Lim, J.* & Yang, C. (2024, August 8-10). “I’m neither depressed nor happy.” Employing a dual-factor model of mental health to better support Chinese American adolescents in the post-pandemic era [Grand slam]. 2024 American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Seattle, WA, United States. PDF

Rho, E.*, Yang, C. & Dong, Q.* (2024, May). Risk and resilience factors contributing to K-12 teachers' mental health wellbeing during the post-pandemic recovery. [Paper Presentation]. Society for Prevention Research (SPR) 2024 Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. PDF


Dong, Q.*, Mayes, M.*, Lin, X.*, Namjoo, K.*, & Yang, C. (2024, April). Trauma-informed practices in Transitional Kindergarten: A Multiple case study exploring teachers' perspectives and implementation challenges. [Paper Presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2024 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. PDF

Lim, J. H.* & Yang, C. (2024, February). Promoting Asian immigrant families’ engagement in MTSS: Toward culturally informed practices. [Poster Presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) 2024 Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. PDF  


Lin, X.* & Yang, C. (2024, February). Asian immigrant family involvement: A cultural mismatch perspective. [Poster Presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) 2024 Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. PDF 

Lee, M.*, Dong, Q.*, & Yang, C. (2023, November). The racialization of AAPI educators and potential for liberation: An Asiancrit framework analysis. [Paper Presentation]. University Council for Educational Administration, Minneapolis, MN. PDF

Yang, C., Dong, Q.*, Rho, E.* & Teng, Z. (2023, October 25-27). Associations between school-wide practices & school-wide bullying: Advancing the cross-country understanding of teachers' perspectives from the U.S. & China. [Paper Presentation]. 2023 Word Anti-Bullying Forum, Chapel Hill, NC., United States. PDF

Dong, Q.*, Lim, J. H.*, Yang, C., Rho, E.*, Liu, B.* (2023, August). The impact of anti-Asian hate and racism-related stress on Asian American educators. [Poster Presentation] American Psychological Association (APA) Convention 2023, Washington, DC. PDF

Dong, Q.*, Lim, J. H.*, Carlos, E., Yang, C. (2023, August). Racial/ethnic attitudes of Asian Americans and the impact of racism-related stress during COVID-19. [Poster Presentation]. APA Convention 2023, Washington, DC. PDF

Lim, J. H.*, & Yang, C. (2023, August). Changes of Chinese American adolescents’ mental health and school engagement during COVID-19. [Poster Presentation]. APA Convention 2023, Washington, DC. PDF

Yang, C., Rho, E.*, Lin, X.*, & Stomski, M.* (2023, April). New teachers’ empowerment and silence during the pandemic. [Roundtable Presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2023 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.​  


Yang, C., Im, J.H.*, Dong, Q.* & Rho, E.* (2023, April). Multilevel latent profile analysis of school disciplinary techniques' associations with school bullying. [Paper Presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2023 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.


Rho, E.*, Yang, C., Liu, B.* & Stomski, M.* (2023, April). A longitudinal and qualitative approach to new teachers’ risk and resilience during COVID-19. [Paper Presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2023 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. ​  


Dong, Q.*, Yang, C., Rho, E.*, Lee, M.X.*, & Im, J.H.* (2023, April). An egocentric network analysis of AAPI educators’ social support during anti-Asian violence. [Symposium]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2023 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. ​ 

Dong, Q.*, Stomski, M.*, & Yang, C. (2023, February). Fostering AAPI educators' resilience during anti-Asian violence. [Paper Presentation]. National Association School Psychologists Annual (NASP) 2023 Annual Convention, Denver, CO.  


Rho, E.*, Dong, Q.*, Yang, C. & Im, J.H.* (2023, February). Egocentric network analysis: AAPI educators’ social support during anti-Asian violence. In Chieh (Chair). Supporting AAPI Community Coping with Anti-Asian Discrimination: Culturally Sensitive Approaches. [Symposium]. National Association School Psychologists (NASP) 2023 Annual Convention, Denver, CO.  


Rho, E.*, Liu, B.*, Stomski, M.*, & Yang, C. (2023, February). New teachers’ risk and resilience factors during COVID-19. [Poster] National Association School Psychologists (NASP) 2023 Annual Convention, Denver, CO.  


Stomski, M.* & Yang, C. (2023, February). Asian immigrant Children’s attributions and adjustment to bullying victimization. [Poster] National Association School Psychologists (NASP) 2023 Annual Convention, Denver, CO. 

Greenstein, J.* & Yang, C. (2023, February). Theoretical framework of resilience of children with specific learning disabilities. [Poster]. National Association School Psychologists (NASP) 2023 Annual Convention, Denver, CO.  


Greenstein, J.* & Yang, C. (2023, February). Feasibility of implementing a universal K-1 social-emotional learning intervention. [Poster]. National Association School Psychologists (NASP) 2023 Annual Convention, Denver, CO. 

Stomski, M.*, Ballard, A., Yang, C., Cheung, R. & Hacıfazlıoğlu, Ö (2022, November). Risk and resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic: Voices from school leaders. University of Council of Educational Administration 2022 Annual Convention, Seattle, WA.

Lee, M. X.*, Dong, Q.*, Yang, C. (2022, November). Dismantling the model minority myth: AAPI educators perspectives on anti-Asian violence and wellness. University of Council of Educational Administration 2022 Annual Convention, Seattle, WA. 

Dong, Q.*, Stomski, M.* & Yang, C. (2022, September). Risk and Resilience During Anti-Asian Violence: Voices from AAPI Educators. 2022 AAPA. (Virtual). 

Stomski, M.* & Yang, C. (2022, September). An Attributional-Ecological Perspective of Asian Immigrant Children's Bullying Victimization Experiences. 2022 AAPA. (Virtual). 

Manchanda, S.* & Yang, C. (2022, April). Analyzing elementary students’ differences in peer victimization by race and disability. [Paper Presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2021 Annual Meeting 


Golshirazi, M. * & Yang, C. (2022, April). Bullying victimization and substance use among Latinx Youth: Intersectional examination of immigration status and gender. [Paper Presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2021 Annual Meeting 

Lin, X. *, Chang, R., Stomski, M. *, Luo, H. *, & Yang, C. (2022, April). Understanding and Preventing Compassion Fatigue Among Principals During the COVID-19 Pandemic. In Yang. C. (Chair). Supporting the Well-Being of School Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Perspectives from Different School Stakeholders. [Symposium]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2022 Annual Meeting (Virtual) 

Yang. C., Stomski, M.* & Lin, X.  (2022, April). A Multilevel Analysis of Teachers' Compassion Fatigue and Compassion Satisfaction During the COVID-19 Pandemic. In Yang. C. (Chair). Supporting the Well-Being of School Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Perspectives from Different School Stakeholders. [Symposium]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2022 Annual Meeting (Virtual)

Lin, X. * & Yang, C. (2022, February). School involvement of Chinese immigrant parents. [Poster Presentation]. 2022 National Association School Psychologists Annual Convention.

Manchanda, S.*, Quennie, D.*, & Yang, C. (2022, February). Understanding resources of educators’ compassion fatigue. [Poster Presentation]. 2022 National Association School Psychologists Annual Convention. 


Yabiku, T.*, Qiu, C.*, Stomski, M.*, & Yang, C. (2022, February). Educators’ challenges and success during the COVID-19 pandemic. [Poster Presentation]. 2022 National Association School Psychologists Annual Convention. 

Lin, X.*, Yang, C., & Stomski, M. (2021, August). Low-income Chinese American Families’ Experiences During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Family System Analysis. In Yang, C. (Chair). Racial Discrimination and Mental Health Among Asian American Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic. [Symposium]. American Psychological Association (APA) Convention 2021. (Virtual)


Lin, X. & Yang, C. (2021, August). School Wide Bullying and Victimization: A Multilevel Longitudinal Study. [Poster Session]. American Psychological Association (APA) Convention 2021. (Virtual) 


Yang, C., Lin, X, & Stomski, M. (2021, August). Chinese American Adolescents’ Retrospective Bullying Victimization Experience Before COVID-19 Pandemic and Their Racial Discrimination and Mental Health Adjustment During COVID-19 Pandemic.  In Yang, C. (Chair). Racial Discrimination and Mental Health Among Asian American Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic. [Symposium]. American Psychological Association (APA) Convention 2022. (Virtual)


Lin, X., Wang, B., Lin, X, Vo, R., Yang, C., & Wu, S. (2021, August). The Role of Family Communication in Adolescents' Internet Use During COVID-19. [Poster Session]. American Psychological Association (APA) Convention 2022. (Virtual)


Vo., R., Lin, X. & Yang, C. (2021, August). Distance Learning Engagement of Chinese American Adolescents During COVID-19. [Poster Session]. American Psychological Association (APA) Convention 2021. (Virtual) 

Yang. C. & Greenstein, J.* (2021, April). Understanding and Promoting Educators’ Wellbeing and Resilience During COVID19 Pandemic. In Yang. C. (Chair). Finding resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic: Perspectives from different stakeholders in schools. [Symposium]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2021 Annual Meeting (Virtual)

Lin, X.*, Stomski, M.*, & Yang. C. (2021, April). Distance learning engagement, family communication, and internalizing problems among Chinese American families during COVID-19 pandemic. In Yang. C. (Chair). Finding resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic: Perspectives from different stakeholders in schools. [Symposium]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2021 Annual Meeting (Virtual) 

Yang, C., Stomski, M.* & Lin, X.* (2021, April). Bullying involvement and perceived school safety: Do students feel equally safe? [Paper Presentation]. Ameri10an Educational Research Association (AERA) 2021 Annual Meeting (Virtual)

Manchanda, M.* & Yang, C. (2021, April). Examining the effects of race/ethnicity and immigrant status on school victimization in predominantly Hispanic/Latino schools. [Paper Presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2021 Annual Meeting (Virtual)

Lin, X.,* & Yang, C. (2021, February). Predictors of adolescent well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. [Poster Session]. 2021 National Association School Psychologists Annual Convention (Virtual). 

Stomski, M.,* & Yang, C. (2021, February). Educators’ online teaching efficacy during COVID-19 pandemic: Effects of demographics. [Poster Session]. 2021 National Association School Psychologists Annual Convention (Virtual).

Manchanda, S.,* & Yang, C. (2021, February). Teacher support and U.S. Immigrant students’ school violence experiences. [Poster Session]. 2021 National Association School Psychologists Annual Convention (Virtual).

Lee, J. Y.,* & Yang, C. (2021, February). Bullying victimization and distress: the role of support in schools. [Poster Session]. 2021 National Association School Psychologists Annual Convention (Virtual).

Chen, C.,* & Yang, C. (2021, February). Problematic internet use, social-emotional learning competencies, and bullying victimization. [Paper Session]. 2021 National Association School Psychologists Annual Convention (Virtual).

Yang, C., Chan, M.,* & Chen, C.* (2020, July). A Multilevel Approach to emotional Learning. In Yang. C. (Chair). Advancing bullying prevention research through the lens of school-wide social and emotional learning. [Symposium]. 2020 Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, Visual Conference

Yang. C. (2020, July). The role of race, bullying victimization, and perceived fairness of school rules among adolescents. In Wang. C. (Chair). Bullying and mental health among racial and sexual minority students. [Symposium]. 2020 Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, Visual Conference

Chen, C.,* Chan, M.,* & Yang, C. (2020, July). Social and emotional competencies and bullying victimization: a latent profile analysis. [Poster Session]. Presentation accepted for 2020 Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, Visual Conference

Nie, Q.,* Yang, C., Teng, Z., Pan, Y., Guo, C., & Zhang, D. (2020). Longitudinal association between school climate and depressive symptoms: Mediating role of psychological suzhi. [Poster Session]. 2020 Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, Visual Conference

Manchanda, S.,* Yang, C., & Chen, C.* (2020, July). An intersectional examination of the effects of immigration and ethnoracial identity on bullying victimization. [Poster Session]. 2020 Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, Visual Conference

Manchanda, S.,* Yang, C., & Chen, C.* (2020, July). An Analysis of the Effects of Teacher Support on the School Violence Experiences of U.S. Immigrant Students. [Poster Session]. Presentation accepted for 2020 American Psychological Association, Visual Conference

Golshirazi, M. Yang, C., & Chen, C*. (2020, July). Covitality moderates bullying victimization’s association with substance among Latinx Youth. [Poster Session]. Presentation accepted for 2020 Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, Visual Conference

Banas, A.*, Yang, C., & Chen, C.* (2020, July). School violence and psychological distress among Latinx Youth: Moderating role of teacher support. [[Poster Session]. Presentation accepted for 2020 Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, Visual Conference

Franci, N.*, Yang, C., & Chen, C.* (2020, July). School violence and psychological distress among Latinx Youth: Moderating role of teacher support. [Poster Session]. Presentation accepted for 2020 Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, Visual Conference

Chun, R.*, & Yang, C. (2020, July). Profiles of Adolescents who have used substances despite their parents’ or peers’ disapproval. [Poster Session]. Presentation accepted for 2020 Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, Visual Conference

Lee, J.*, & Yang, C. (2020, July). Bullying victimization and distress: the moderating role of substance use. [Poster Session]. Presentation accepted for 2020 Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, Visual Conference

Yang, C., Chan, M.*, & Chen, C*. (2020, April) Schoolwide social-emotional learning and bullying victimization: How does School Climate Matter? Paper to be presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2020 Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, United States. (Conference Cancelled)

Yang, C., Chan, M.*, Chen, C.*, Vo, R.*, & Lai, C*. (2020, April) Cross-cultural differences of parental perception of school climate between the United States and China. [Paper Session]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2020 Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, United States. (Conference Cancelled)

Chan, M.*, Yang, C., Chen, C*. , & Vo, R.*(2020, April) Association between teacher perceived school disciplinary classes and school climate: A latent class analysis. [Paper Session]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2020 Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, United States. (Conference Cancelled)


Yang, C., Wang, C. & Kim, E. (2019, February). Training Asian international students in school psychology: Assets and challenges. Poster presented at the 2019 Trainers of School Psychologists Conference. Atlanta, GA


Chan, M.*, Yang, C., Chen, C., & Furlong, M. (2019, February). The relationships between psychological strengths and school membership. Poster presented at the 2019 National Association School Psychologists Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA

Chen, C.*, Yang, C., & Chan, M. (2019, February). Latent profile analysis of parent perception of school climate: The effect of children’s race and grade level. Poster presented at the 2019 National Association School Psychologists Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA

Rhea, W.*, Dowdy, E., Yang, C., Moffa, K., & Furlong, M. (2019, February). Psychological Sense of School Membership Scale with cross-cultural pre-adolescent Students. Poster presented at the 2019 National Association School Psychologists Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA

Yang, C., Chan, M.*, Chen, C.*, Furlong M., & Dowdy, E. (2018, October).

Promoting school membership through the strength-based approach: A cross-cultural comparison. Poster presented at the 2018 Annual Conference on Advancing School Mental Health. Las Vegas, NV

Ruiz, L. E. *, Chen, C. *, Yang, C. (2018, July). Perception of school climate: Differences between Asian American and other racial/ethnic groups from students and parents’ perspectives. Poster presented at the Asian American Psychological Association 2018 Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. 

Chen, C. *, Wang, K. *, Yang, C. (2018, July). Association between Teacher-Home Communication and Bullying Victimization: Perspectives from Asian American Parents. Poster presented at the Asian American Psychological Association 2018 Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. 

Vo, R. *, Chen, C. *, Yang, C. (2018, July). Perception of bullying victimization: Differences between Asian American and other racial/ethnic groups from students and parents’ perspectives. Poster presented at the Asian American Psychological Association 2018 Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. 

Wang, K*, Chen, C.*, & Yang, C. (2018, July). Associations between Teacher Victimization, Subjective wellbeing and Teacher Burnout among Chinese teachers. Poster presented at the 2018 Annual Convention of American Psychological Assocaition. San Francisco.


Yang, C., & Chen, C.*(2018, July). Resilience to bullying victimization: Moderating role of parents’ perceptions of school climate. Poster presented at the 2018 Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, San Francisco. 


Chen, C.* & Yang, C. (2018, July). Chinese teacher victimization and wellbeing: Moderating effect of Home-School Collaboration. Poster presented at the 2018 Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, San Francisco.


Yang, C., Chen, C.*, & Xie, J. (2018, July). The development and validation of Multidimensional Teacher Victimization Scale - Chinese. Poster presented at the 2018 Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, San Francisco.


Yang, C., Chen, C.*, Xie, J., & Wang, C. (2018, June). Teacher victimization and subjective wellbeing: Moderating role of school climate. Poster presented at the 16th ISQOLS Annual Conference, Hong Kong. 

Chen, C.* & Yang, C. (2018, June). Chinese teacher victimization and well-being: Moderating effect of home-school collaboration. Poster presented at the 16th ISQOLS Annual Conference, Hong Kong.


Yang, C., Sharkey, J., Chen, C.*, & Dowdy, E. (2018, Feb). Student engagement of bullying-victims: The moderating role of school climate, Poster presented at the 2018 National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Chicago, IL


Chen, C.*, Yang, C. & Bear, G. (2018, Feb). The relationships between social-emotional competencies and bullying victimization. Poster presented at the 2018 National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Chicago, IL

Yang, C. & Chen, C.* (2018, Feb). Adolescents’ social and emotional competencies and cyberbullying

victimization: The protective role of school climate. Paper presented at the 2018 National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Chicago, IL


Yang, C. (2017, July). School safety: The role of race, bullying victimization, and perceived fairness of school rules among adolescents. Minority Fellowship Program Summer Institute, American Psychological Association. Washington, DC.


Yang, C., Wang, C. & Xie, J. (2017, August). Promote students’ resilience towards bullying victimization: A cross-cultural perspective. Paper to be presented at the Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, Washington D.C.


Yang, C., Sharkey, J. D., & Dowdy, E. (2017, August). Adolescents’ resilience to cyberbullying victimization: protective role of school climate. Paper to be presented at the Annual Convention of American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington D.C.


Yang, C. & Bear, G. G. (2017, February). Multilevel associations among bullying victimization, school engagement and social-emotional learning. Paper to be presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX.


Yang, C. (2017, February). Effects of student and school demographic factors on school engagement. Poster to be presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX.


Mantz L., Bear, G. G., Yang, C. & Harris, A. (2017, February). Student social-emotional competencies: Development of a school-wide assessment. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX.


Wang, C., Xu, J., Yang, C., & Furlong, M., (2015, September). Initial validation of the Social Emotional Health Survey-Primary in a Chinese sample. Paper presented at the 9th World Congress on the Promotion of Mental Health, Columbia, SC.

Bear, G. G., Chen, D., Mantz L., & Yang, C., (2015, March). Conduct problems, teacher-student relationships, and classroom management: Differences between China, Japan, and the U.S. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.


Yang, C., Ginsburg-Block, M. & Bear, G. G. (2015, February). Racial disproportionality in school discipline:

Implications from a longitudinal investigation. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Orlando, FL.

Yang, C., Bear, G. G., Boyer, D., & Hearn, S. (2014, February). Bullying victimization and school-wide discipline: Their relations to school climate. Paper presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Washington, DC.


Yang, C., & Bear, G. G. (2014, February). A brief measure of parent perception of school climate. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Washington, DC.


Bear, G. G., Yang, C., Chen, D., & Glutting, J. (2014, February). School discipline in cross-cultural Perspective. Paper presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Washington, DC.


Yang, C., & Bear, G. (August, 2013). School climate and cyber victimization: How are they related? Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Honolulu, HI.


Bear, G., Yang, C., Huang, X., Zhang, W., & Chen, D. (2013, August). Student relationships and conduct problems in China and U.S. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Honolulu, HI.


Chen, D., & Yang, C. (2013, February). School engagement as mediator between school climate and achievement Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Seattle, WA.


Yang, C., Blank, J. C., Bear, G. G., & Pell, M. (2012, February). A longitudinal investigation of School-Wide Positive Behavior Support. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA.


Yang, C., & Blank, J. C. (2012, February). Effect of discipline on school liking: Culture and fairness matter. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA.


Yang, C., & Blank, J. C. (2011, May). Chinese and American students’ perceptions of school climate. Paper presented at the Annual School of Education Graduate Research Forum. University of Delaware, Newark, DE.


Blank, J. C., & Yang, C. (2011, May). Perceptions of school climate in China. Paper presented at the University of Delaware 1st Graduate Forum, Newark, DE.


Yang, C., Blank, J. C., & Bear, G. G. (2011, February). School climate and classroom management in China and U.S. Paper presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.


Blank, J. C., Yang, C., & Bear, G. G. (2011, February). Relationships among disciplinary techniques, school climate, and student conduct problems. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.


Yang, C., & Settles, B. (2009, May). Parenting stress in families with children with Autism. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Marion H. Steele Symposium, Newark, DE. 

Risk, Resilience, and Culture Lab

University of Maryland, College Park

University of California, Berkeley

Copyright © Risk, Resilience, and Culture Lab

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