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Projects: Publications

Please see below for the list of our ongoing and completed projects.

Ongoing Projects

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Digital Empowerment for Actionable and Sustainable Implementation of School-wide Social and Emotional Learning

The project aims to (1) identify the main facilitators and barriers contributing to actionable and sustainable implementation; 2) identify innovative, feasible, and cost-effective implementation strategies used by teachers and administrators that could improve students’ learning; 3) examine how above implementation determinants and outcomes vary depending on the diverse socio-economic, racial/ethnic, and cultural/linguistic backgrounds and contexts of teachers as individuals and groups.

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Experiences of Educators and Leaders as Early Implementers of California Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) Policy

This project aims to understand and improve traumatic-informed leadership and teaching practice in California's Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK). This is critical not only for reducing educational inequality and mental health disparities among young children but also for addressing the chronic issues of teacher and principal shortage, turnover, and burnout issues.


Influence of Anti-Asian Discrimination on Asian American Teachers

This project is a mixed-method longitudinal study among Asian American Teachers. The goal of this project is to develop a comprehensive framework of best practices detailing how schools can effectively support the psychological and professional well-being of educators, particularly those who are experiencing discrimination and violence based on their group membership during and following the pandemic and subsequent social crises.

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Teacher Resilience and Well-being

This project aims to understand the antecedents and consequences of students' violence and aggressive behaviors targeting teachers and how teacher victimization influences teachers' burnout and retention in the teaching career using the Multidimensional Teacher Victimization Scale (MTVS) that we completed the development and validation. 

Collaborative Projects

RRC lab fosters impactful connections between research, practice, and policy to drive systemic change.

Completed Projects

Bay Area Educator Resilience Project

In this project, we have partnered with Oakland Unified School District and San Francisco Unified School District to learn more about educators' stress and wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through a research-practice partnership, we developed surveys to assess educators' compassion fatigue, online teaching self-efficacy, perceived school connectedness, and frequency of contact with other school members.

Family-School Engagement and Bullying Prevention Project

This project focuses on understanding the racial/ethnic differences of parent perceived family-school engagement and their awareness about their children's bullying victimization risks. It also examines the racial/ethnic differences of the linkage between family-school communication and student bullying victimization. The aim of the project is to help parents and educators develop culturally sensitive strategies promoting family-school engagement and reducing bullying and victimization.

Adolescents' Well-being and Adjustment During and Following COVID-19 Outbreak

This project aims to better understand how Chinese American adolescents cope with a variety of risks and challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as bullying, discrimination, racial identity crisis, problematic Internet use, mental health challenges, and distance learning

Building Resilience to Bullying and Cyberbullying Victimization Project

In this project, we collaborate with the Delaware Positive Behavior Support Project and use the Delaware state-wide dataset to examine the association between different forms of bullying victimization (i.e., social, physical, verbal, and cyber) and student engagement across students, parents, and teachers' perspectives. We also examine the moderating effects of school climate, social-emotional competencies, and cultural factors in the association between bullying victimization on student engagement. The aim of the project is to identify malleable factors that could be altered in school-wide prevention and intervention programs to alleviate the negative influences of traditional and cyber-bullying victimization on students' social, behavioral, and cognitive engagement in schools.

Risk, Resilience, and Culture Lab

University of Maryland, College Park

University of California, Berkeley

Copyright © Risk, Resilience, and Culture Lab

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