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Dr. Yang's Google Scholar Profile: 


(* Graduate Student Advisees and Mentees)

 Yang, C., Rho, E.*, Lin, X.*, & Stomski, M.* (2023). Empowerment and silence: A grounded-theory exploration among new teachers. School Psychology. Advance online publication.

Yang, C., Chan, M. K.*, & Ma, T. L. (2020). School-wide social emotional learning (SEL) and bullying victimization: Moderating role of school climate in elementary, middle, and high schools. Journal of School Psychology, 82, 49-69.

Yang, C. (2023). Influences of prepandemic bullying victimization and COVID-19 peer discrimination on Chinese American adolescents’ mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. School Psychology.

Yang, C., Dong, Q.*, Rho, E.*, & Teng, Z. (2023). Associations between school-wide practices and school-wide bullying: Advancing the cross-country understanding of teachers’ perspectives from the U.S. and China. School Psychology. Advance online publication.

Chen, C.*, Nadler, R., Sharkey, J. D., & Yang, C. (2023). Ethical and Legal Considerations in Balancing Mental Health of Sexual and Gender Minority Students and Parental Consent. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 1-24.

Yang, C., Chan, M.*, Nickerson, A., Jenkins, L., Fredricks, S., & Xie, J. (2022). Teacher victimization and subjective wellbeing: Does school climate matter? Aggressive Behavior. [IF = 2.9]

Yang, C., Chan, M.*, Lin, X.*, & Chen, C.*, (2022). Teacher victimization and teacher burnout: Moderating role of school climate in a large-scale survey study. Journal of School Violence. [IF = 2.4]

Teng, Z.*, Yang, C., Stomski, M.*, & Nie, Q.* (2022). Violent video game exposure and bullying in early adolescence: A longitudinal study examining moderation of trait aggressiveness and moral identity. Psychology of Violence. [IF = 4.1]

Yang, C., Manchanda, S.*, & Greenstein, J.* (2021). Educators’ Online Teaching Self-Efficacy and Compassion Fatigue During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Dual Roles of “Connect.” School Psychology, 36(6), 504–515. [IF = 3.3]

Yang, C. (2021, in press). Online teaching self-efficacy, social-emotional learning (SEL) competencies, and compassion fatigue among educators during the COVID-19 Pandemic. School Psychology Review.


Grapin, S., Collier-Meek, M., Stacy-Ann, J., Yang, C., & Porillo, N. (2021, in press). Reconceptualizing mentoring for the 21th Century: A systematic mapping of research in school psychology. School Psychology Review.

 [IF = 2.3; 5-year IF = 3.0]

Yang, C., Chen, C.,* Lin, X.,* & Chan, M.* (2021). School-wide social and emotional learning (SEL) and cyberbullying victimization among middle and high school students: Moderating role of school climate. School Psychology. Advance online publication. [IF = 2.3; 5-year IF = 3.1] (American Psychology Association Article Spotlight Forthcoming)

Yang, C., Lin, X.,* & Stomski, M.* (2021). Unequally safe: Association between bullying and perceived school safety and the moderating effects of race/ethnicity, gender, and grade levels. School Psychology Review. Advance online publication. [IF = 2.3; 5-year IF = 3.0]

Yang, C. Chan, M.,* Chen, C.,* & Jimerson, S. (2021). Parental perceptions of school climate in the United States and China: Advancing understanding of measurement and cross-national considerations. School Psychology. Advance Online Publication. [IF = 2.3; 5-year IF = 3.1]

Yang, C., Manchanda, S.,* Lin, X.,* & Teng, Z.* (2021). An intersectional examination of the effects of race/ethnicity and immigration status on school victimization in predominantly Hispanic/Latino high schools. School Psychology Review. Advance online publication. [IF = 2.3; 5-year IF = 3.0]

Chen, C. *, Yang, C. & Nie, Q*. (2021). Social-emotional learning competencies and problematic Internet use among Chinese adolescents: A structural equation Modeling Analysis. Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(6), [IF = 2.8; 5-year IF = 3.1]

Nie, Q.*, Yang, C., Stomski, M., Zhao, Z., Teng, Z., & Guo, C. (2021). Longitudinal link between bullying victimization and bullying perpetration: A multilevel moderation of perceived school climate. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. [IF = 3.6; 5-year IF= 3.1]


Yang, C., Chen, C.,* Chan, M.,* Wang, C., Luo, H.,* & Lin, X.* (2020). Training experience in U.S. school psychology programs: Understanding Asian international students’ assets, challenges, and effective strategies. Contemporary School Psychology. Advance online publication. [IF and 5-year IF are not available]

Yang, C., Chan, M.,* & Ma, T-L (2020). School-wide social and emotional learning (SEL) and bullying victimization: Moderating role of school climate across elementary, middle, and high schools. Journal of School Psychology. Advance online publication. [IF = 3.0; 5-year IF = 4.2]

Zhang, F. *, Jiang, Y., Ming, H., Yang C., & Huang, S. (2020). Family socioeconomic status and adolescents' academic achievement: The moderating roles of subjective social mobility and attention. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 49(9), 1821–1834. [IF = 3.1; 5-year IF = 4.2]

Nie, Q.,* Teng, Z., Yang, C., Lu, X., Liu, C., Zhang, D., & Guo, C. (2020). Psychological suzhi and academic achievement in Chinese adolescents: A two-year longitudinal study. British Journal of Educational Psychology. Advance online publication. [IF = 2.5; 5-year IF = 3.2]

Chen, C.,* Yang, C., Chan, M.,* & Jimerson, S. (2020). Association between school climate and bullying victimization: A cross-cultural comparison from parents’ perspectives. School Psychology. 35(5), 311–320. 10.1037/spq0000405 [IF = 2.3; 5-year IF = 3.1]

Xie, J., Sun, X., Li, C., Zhang, Y., Yang C., & Bear, G. (2020). Chinese version of Delaware School Climate Scale – Home. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology. 28 (3), 477-482. [U-J IF = 2.7; MS-JIF = 1.5]

Nie, Q.,* Yang, C., Teng, Z., Pan, Y., Guo, C., & Zhang, D. (2020). Longitudinal association between school climate and depressive symptoms: Mediating role of psychological suzhi. School Psychology, 35(4), 267–276. [IF = 2.3; 5-year IF = 3.1]

Yang, C., Sharkey, J. D., Reed, L., & Dowdy, E. (2020). Cyberbullying victimization and student engagement among adolescents: Does school climate matter? School Psychology, 35(2), 158–169. [IF = 2.3; 5-year IF = 3.1]


Yang, C., Sharkey, J. D., Chen, C.,* & Jimerson, S. (2019). Teacher-home communication and bullying victimization: Does parents’ perception of fairness of rules matter? School Psychology Review, 48(3), 251-266. 10.17105/SPR-2018-0060.V48-3 [IF = 2.3; 5-year IF = 3.0]


Chan, M.,* Yang, C., Furlong, M., Dowdy, E., & Xie, J. (2019). Association between social-emotional strengths and school membership: A cross-cultural comparison. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology. Advance online publication. [IF = 1.6; 5-year IF not available]


Pan, Y., Yang, C., Liu, C, Chan, M.,* Liu, G., & Zhang, D. (2019). A moderated mediation model of peer victimization and problem behaviors: The roles of self-esteem and parental attachment among Chinese early adolescents. Child Development, 91(4), e968–e983. [IF = 4.9; 5-year IF = 5.6]


Teng, Z., * Bear, G.G., Yang, C. Nie, Q.,* & Guo, C. (2019). Moral disengagement and bullying perpetration: A longitudinal study of the moderating effect of school climate. School Psychology, 35(1), 99–109. [IF = 2.3; 5-year IF = 3.1]


Xie, J., Liu, J., Wei, Yu., Yang, C., Bear, G. G. & Wang, W. (2019). Validation of the Chinese Version of Delaware Positive, Punitive, and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Techniques Scale - Teacher. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology. 28 (4),701 –706. [U-J IF = 2.7; MS-JIF = 1.5]


Xie, J., Lin, X., Qin, F., Yang, C., & Bear, G. G. (2019). Validation of the Chinese Version of Delaware Positive, Punitive, and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Techniques Scale - Student. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology. 27(2), 524-529. [U-J IF = 2.7; MS-JIF = 1.5]


Xie, J., Peng, Z., Zhu, Z., Yang, C., & Bear, G.G. (2018). Chinese Version of Delaware School Climate Scale – Teacher/Staff. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology. 26 (5). 891–996. 10.16128/j.cnki.1005-3611.2018.05.012 [U-J IF = 2.7; MS-JIF = 1.5]


Yang, C., Fredrick S. S., Nickerson, A., Jenkins L., & Xie, J. (2019). Initial development and validation of the Multidimensional Teacher Victimization Scale. School Psychology Quarterly. 34(2), 244–252. [IF = 2.3; 5-year IF = 3.1]


Yang, C., Jenkins, L., Fredrick, S. S., Chen, C.,* Xie, J.-S., & Nickerson, A. B. (2019). Teacher victimization by students in china: a multilevel analysis. Aggressive Behavior, 45(2), 169–180. [IF = 2.2; 5-year IF = 3.1]


Yang, C., Sharkey, J. D., Reed, L., Chen, C*, & Dowdy, E. (2018). Bullying victimization and student engagement in Elementary, Middle, and High Schools: Moderating role of school climate. School Psychology Quarterly.33, 54-64. Doi: 10.1037/spq0000250 (Top 10 most downloaded journal article from APA journals in 2018)


Yang, C., Bear, G. G. & May, H. (2018). The association between social-emotional learning approach and student engagement across elementary, middle, and high schools. School Psychology Review. 47(1), 45–61. [IF = 2.3; 5-year IF = 3.0]


Bear, G. G., Yang, C., Chen, D., He, X., Xie, J., & Huang, X. (2018). Differences in school climate and student engagement in China and the United States. School Psychology Quarterly, 33(2), 323–335. [IF = 2.3; 5-year IF = 3.1]


Wang, C., Yang, C., Xu, J., & Furlong, M. (2018). Initial validation of the Social Emotional Health Survey-Primary in a Chinese sample. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology. 6(1), 62–74. [IF = 1.6; 5-year IF not available]


Wagle, R.*, Dowdy, E., Yang, C., Palikara, O., Castro, S., & Nylund-Gibson, K. (2018). Preliminary investigation of the Psychological Sense of School Membership Scale with primary school students in a cross-cultural context. School Psychology International, 39(6), 568–586. [IF = 1.4; 5-year IF = 1.5]


Xie, J., Shan, L., Yang, C., Furlong, M., Wang, C., Deng, T. & Deng, J. (2018). Validation of the Social and Emotional Health Survey- Primary for Chinese Students. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology. 26(3), 522–527. [U-J IF = 2.7; MS-JIF = 1.5]


Mantz L., Bear, G. G., Yang, C. & Harris, A. (2016). The Delaware Social-Emotional Competency Scale (DSECS-S): Evidence of validity and reliability. Child Indicators Research. 11 (1), 137–157. [IF = 1.5; 5-year IF = 2.1]


Xie, J., Shan, L., Yang, C., & Furlong, M. (2017). Chinese version of the Social and Emotional Health Survey – Secondary School Version. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology. 25(6), 1012–1016. 10.16128/j.cnki.1005-3611.2017.06.004 [U-J IF = 2.7; MS-JIF = 1.5]


Xie, J., Xiao, S., Yang, C., & Bear, G. (2017). A comparative study of perceptions of school climate in Chinese and American adolescents. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology. 25 (4), 714–718. 10.16128/j.cnki.1005-3611.2017.04.026 [U-J IF = 2.7; MS-JIF = 1.5]


Bear, G. G., Yang, C., Mantz, L. S., & Harris, A. B. (2017). School-wide practices associated with school climate in elementary, middle, and high schools. Teaching and Teacher Education, 63, 372–383. [IF = 2.7; 5-year IF = 3.6]


Xie, J., Lu, X., Yang, C., Bear, G., G., & Ling, Y. (2016). A comparative study of bullying victimization in Chinese and American Adolescents. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 24 (4), 706–709, 683. [U-J IF = 2.7; MS-JIF = 1.5]


Xie, J., Lv, Y., Kun, M., Lu, X., Bear, G. G., Yang, C., Seth, M., & Rong, G. (2016). The validity and reliability of the Chinese version of the Delaware School Climate Survey – Student. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 24 (2), 250–253. [U-J IF = 2.7; MS-JIF = 1.5]


Bear, G. G., Chen, D., Mantz, L., Yang, C., Huang, X., & Shiomi, K. (2016). Differences in classroom removals and use of praise and rewards in American, Chinese, and Japanese schools. Teaching and Teacher Education, 53, 41–50. [IF = 2.7; 5-year IF = 3.6]


Bear, G., Holst, B., Lisboa, C., Chen, D., Yang, C., & Chen, F. F. (2016). A Brazilian Portuguese survey of school climate: Evidence of validity and reliability. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 4(3), 165–178. [IF = 1.6; 5-year IF not available]


Xie, J., Lv, Y., Bear, G. G., Yang, C., Seth, M., & Rong, G. (2015). The validity and reliability of the Chinese version of Delaware Bullying Victimization Scale – Student. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 23 (4), 594–596. [U-J IF = 2.7; MS-JIF = 1.5]


Bear, G. G., Mantz, L., Glutting, J., Yang, C., & Boyer, D. (2015). Differences in bullying victimization between students with and without disabilities. School Psychology Review, 44(1), 98–116. [IF = 2.3; 5-year IF = 3.0]


Bear, G. G., Yang, C., & Pasipanodya, E. (2015). School Climate: Validation of a brief measure of the perceptions of parents. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 33(2), 115–129. [IF = 1.3; 5-year IF = 1.6]


Bear, G. G., Yang, C., Glutting, J., Huang, X., He, X., Zhang, W., & Chen, D. (2014). Understanding teacher-student relationships, student-student relationships, and conduct problems in China and the United States. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 2(4), 247–260. [IF = 1.6; 5-year IF not available]


Bear, G. G., Yang, C., Pell, M., & Gaskin, C. (2014). Validation of a brief measurement of teacher perceptions of school climate. Learning Environments Research, 17 (3), 339–354. [IF = 2.3; 5-year IF = 2.5]


Yang, C., Bear, G. G., Chen, F. F., Zhang, W., Blank, J. C., & Huang, X. S. (2013). Student perceptions of school climate in the U.S. and China. School Psychology Quarterly, 28(1), 7–24.  (Sample article on School Psychology Quarterly in 2013-2014) [IF = 2.3; 5-year IF = 3.1]


Yoon, J., Bauman, S., & Corcoran, C. (2020). Role of adults in prevention and intervention of peer victimization. In Bullies, Victims, and Bystanders (pp. 179-212). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Yang, C. Application of Positive Psychology in Chinese School Contexts. Handbook of Positive Psychology in Schools, 466-477. 

Furlong, M., Dowdy, E., Moffa, K.,1 Beratone, A.,1 Yang, C., Kim, E., & Ito, A. (accepted). Assessment of complete social emotional health: An international school psychology perspective. In C. Hatzichristou & B. K. Nastasi (Eds.), Handbook of school psychology in a global context. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer

O’Brennan, L., Furlong, M., & Yang, C. (2019). Promoting collaboration among education professionals to enhance school safety. In Mayer, M., & Jimerson, S. (Eds). School safety and violence prevention: Science, practice, and policy driving change. American Psychological Association.


Research Briefs for Research-Practice Partnership Projects

Stomski, M.*, Lin, X.*, Luo, E.*, Cheung, R., Yang, C. (2022). Finding resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic: Perspectives from school leaders. Project brief for 21st Century California School Leadership Academy. 

Yang, C. & Stomski, M.*, (2021). Understanding educators and school staff’s wellbeing in San Francisco Unified School District. Research Brief for San Francisco Unified School District – UC Berkeley Research-Practice Partnership.  

Yang, C., Lin, X.*, & Stomski, M. *, (2021). First-year new teachers’ empowerment and silence. Research Brief for San Francisco Unified School District – UC Berkeley Research-Practice Partnership. PDF


Lin, X.*, Stomski, M. *, & Yang, C. (2021). New teachers’ experience with social support and professional support. Research Brief for San Francisco Unified School District – UC Berkeley Research-Practice Partnership. PDF  

Yang, C., Greenstein, J.*, Stomski, M.*, & Lin, X.* (2020) Educator resilience: Stressors, compassion fatigue and SEL competencies/support. Research Brief for Oakland Unified School District – UC Berkeley Research-Practice Partnership.  

Yang, C., Greenstein, J.*, Stomski, M.*, & Lin, X.* (2020) Educator resilience: Online teaching efficacy, school connectedness and frequency of contact attempts. Research Brief for Oakland Unified School District – UC Berkeley Research-Practice Partnership.  

Technical Manuals and Research Reports

Bear, G. G., Yang, C., Harris, A., Mantz, L., Boyer, D., & Hearn, S. (2019). Technical Manual for the Delaware School Survey: Scales of school climate; bullying victimization; student engagement; positive, punitive, and social-emotional learning techniques; and social and emotional competencies. Funded by the Delaware Positive Behavior Support Project at the Center for Disability Studies at the University of Delaware and Delaware Department of Education. Newark, DE.

Bear, G. G., Yang, C., Mantz, L., E. Pasipanodya, Hearn, S. & Boyer, D. (2014). Technical manual for Delaware School Survey: Scales of school climate, bullying victimization, student engagement, and positive, punitive, and social-emotional learning techniques. Funded by the Delaware Positive Behavior Support Project at the Center for Disability Studies at the University of Delaware and Delaware Department of Education. Newark, DE.

Bear, G.G., & Yang, C. (2012) Technical manual for Delaware School Climate Surveys. Funded by the Delaware Positive Behavior Support Project at the Center for Disability Studies at the University of Delaware and Delaware Department of Education. Newark, DE. 

Other Publications/Media

Keith, T. (2020). “Bullied” (Documentary). [Yang, C. as Cast/Researcher Interviewee].

Haddock, A., Jimerson, S., & Yang, C. (2019). Middle school transition; Helping at school and home. In G. Bear & K. Minke (Eds), Helping children at home and school III: Handouts for families and educators (SIH61-1 to SIH6-5. National Association of School Psychologists

Risk, Resilience, and Culture Lab

University of Maryland, College Park

University of California, Berkeley

Copyright © Risk, Resilience, and Culture Lab

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