Teacher Resilience and Well-being Project
Resilience to Teacher-Directed Violence: The Roles of School Climate and Social-Emotional Competency among New Teachers
Funding Source: National Academic of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
(Oct. 2020 - Sep. 2023)
A Short-Term Longitudinal Study of Pre-Service and First-Year Victimization Experience and Well-being
Funding Source: Society for the Study of School Psychology Early Career Awards Program
(July 2019 - Dec. 2021)
Resilience to Teacher-Directed Violence: The Roles of School Climate and Social-Emotional Competency among New Teachers
Project Summary: Research has indicated that teacher-directed violence (teachers’ experience with being targeted by the
violent and aggressive behaviors from students) is associated with a wide range of negative teacher and student
outcomes, which could potentially contribute to teacher turnover and teacher shortage. However, research to date has not rigorously examined teacher-directed violence’s casual linkage with teachers’ turnover and other teacher wellbeing indicators, particularly among novice teachers. There is also a scarcity of research identifying the resilience factors that could mitigate the negative impacts of teacher-directed violence on novice teachers’ wellbeing. Guided by the attribution and resilience frameworks, this proposed project will use a multi-methods approach to study a group of geographically diverse teachers graduated from teacher education programs in California during their first two years of teaching. The project aims to (a) refine and validate multidimensional measures assessing teacher-directed violence and teacher social emotional competence; (b) examine the longitudinal linkage between teacher-directed violence and teacher wellbeing; and (c) understand the roles of novice teachers’ social emotional competence and school climate perception in shaping their resilience trajectory in the face of teacher-directed violence. Findings will provide researchers, educators, and policy makers with implications for evidenced-based decision making and intervention addressing teacher-directed violence and teacher shortage.
A Short-Term Longitudinal Study of Pre-Service and First-Year Victimization Experience and Well-being
Project Summary: This project aims to understand the antecedents and consequences of students' violence and aggressive behaviors targeting at teachers and how teacher victimization influence teachers' burnout and retention in the teaching career. We recently completed the initial development and validation of a Multidimensional Teacher Victimization Scale (MTVS) based a large teacher sample in China. We are examining how teacher victimization associates with school-wide disciplinary practice, school climate, and teachers' subjective wellbeing and burnout in both Chinese and US school contexts.
(*Dr. Yang's Mentees & Advisees)
Yang, C., Rho, E.*, Lin, X.*, & Stomski, M.* (2023). Empowerment and silence: A grounded theory exploration among new teachers. School Psychology. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/spq0000612
Yang, C., Fredrick S. S., Nickerson, A., Jenkins L., & Xie, J. (2019). Initial development and validation of Multidimensional Teacher Victimization Scale. School Psychology Quarterly. 34(2), 244-252.
Yang, C., Jenkins L., Fredrick S. S., Chen, C*., Xie, J., & Nickerson, A. (2018). Teacher victimization by students in China: A multilevel analysis. Aggressive Behavior. (Published online on 12/18/2018)
Yang, C., Rho, E.*, Lin, X.*, & Stomski, M.* (Apr. 2023). New teachers’ empowerment and silence during the pandemic. American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2023 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. ​
Rho, E.*, Yang, C., Liu, B.* & Stomski, M.* (Apr. 2023). A longitudinal and qualitative approach to new teachers’ risk and resilience during COVID-19. American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2023 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. ​
Rho, E.*, Liu, B.*, Yang, C., & Stomski, M.* (Feb. 2023). New Teachers’ Risk and Resilience Factors during COVID-19. Poster will be presented at the 2023 National Association School Psychologists Annual Convention, Denver, CO.
Chen, C.* & Yang, C. (2018, July). Chinese teacher victimization and wellbeing: Moderating effect of Home-School Collaboration. Poster presented at the 2018 Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, San Francisco.
Yang, C., Chen, C.*, & Xie, J. (2018, July). The development and validation of Multidimensional Teacher Victimization Scale - Chinese. Poster presented at the 2018 Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, San Francisco.
Wang, K*, Chen, C.*, & Yang, C. (2018, July). Associations between Teacher Victimization, Subjective wellbeing and Teacher Burnout among Chinese teachers. Poster presented at the 2018 Annual Convention of American Psychological Assocaition. San Francisco.
Yang, C., Chen, C.*, Xie, J., & Wang, C. (2018, June). Teacher victimization and subjective wellbeing: Moderating role of school climate. Poster presented at the 16th ISQOLS Annual Conference, Hong Kong.
Chen, C.* & Yang, C. (2018, June). Chinese teacher victimization and well-being: Moderating effect of home-school collaboration. Poster presented at the 16th ISQOLS Annual Conference, Hong Kong.